We had been struggling with keeping Allison interested in the science curriculum that we were given which was Harcourt Science 1st grade. The book and worksheets were a lot of things we had already studied in kindergarten and over the summer. So taking advice from my friend Mrs. Moser, I decided to try unit studies!
This is our first attempt at a unit study. I chose to focus on a subject that she is really interested in and go from there.
I have to say it is a lot more work, finding the information, studying the information myself (so I know what I am talking about), and creating worksheets and projects. Lucky for me there is a lot of resources for homeschoolers on the web and I will share one here with you!
Our subject for the last 2 weeks has been coral reefs. We started learning about coral reefs and what they were. This really beautiful and well put together lapbook on coral reefs is so fun to do!
It turned out wonderful. I helped her to cut and glue the pieces, but she was responsible for coloring and writing all the information about the types of coral, the fish, reptiles, and turtles that lived there, the types of reefs there are, and what they are made of. It is all provided on the website. You can fin the
lapbook at Tina's Dynamic Homeschool Plus.
After we finished the lapbook we decided to study more about oceans so we made a tide pool to study the rise and fall of ocean water.
We also made an ocean in a jar. We filled the jar with sand from our vacation and shells we had collected. Then we filled them with water. This was a huge hit with the two of them and with me too! Everytime you shake the jar you find a new shell and you can see how ocean waves move the sand and shells around and toss them about.
A few close up of the inside of the bottle. It really is calming to sit and rock the water back and forth and see what appears next.
I also added a few episodes of the Magic School Bus. The first one we watched was about coral reefs and how they are made and they other was about mussels. Both were really fun and I have always loved Miss Frizzle & Liz!
This unit study was fun and Allison & Scotty really got into learning especially with the hands on activites. All around this was a really great start to our Science Unit Study curriculum!
Do you use lapbook or unit studies? What were some of your kids or your favorites?
Let me know by leaving me a comment!