Wednesday, March 5, 2014

DIY Faux Filofax Garden Journal

Since I am an avid gardener and love growing new things each year, I keep an extensive record of plants and flowers I grow. Every other year I have just used some notebook paper or composition books, but this year I decided to do something completely different.

I have to admit I have a LOVE for all things paper, snail mail, cards, stationary, envelopes, pictures, tickets, scraps of paper...I could go on and on. So with my paper love and an old 2008 planner I had I got to work creating my Faux Filofax Garden Journal.

 Working in the greenhouse, recording seeds planted, progress of seedlings, and just relaxing.

 I started by emptying out all the pages of the old planner. For the first page I cut down a page that used to hold baseball cards, now it has a few business cards and a little doodad thing for color. 
  Using the old dividers, created a template to create some of my own. I laminated them and labeled each tab with something garden related, contact information, and project ideas. I did this for the sides and tabs at the top.

I cut down notebook paper and blank paper to fit then punched holes and added it to the different tabs, then started taking notes and writing important information. 
As the garden and my business grows, I hope to have it stuffed with drawings, more contacts, pictures, all kinds of good things that come with having a planner/garden journal, maybe I will share in a couple of months just to see if the journal has progressed.

Hope you have fun creating one of your own, and get creative. If you don't have an old planner, peruse thrift shops, or just decorate a composition notebook or just staple some of your favorite papers together or better yet sew them together. I make journals for my kids by sewing folded scrapbook paper and blank printer paper sewn down the middle. It's super easy and fun!  

Enjoy, and please share some of your handmade garden journals in the comments!

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