Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tomato Plants For Sale

Hi Friends!

I have tomato plants ready! Several heirloom varieties available.
I purchased all the seeds from Sustainable Seed Company located here in sunny California.

They are healthy and beautiful plants ready to produce great yeilds.
They stand about 1 foot tall and are ready to be planted! (see below for details).

If interested please message me through facebook or leave a comment. I will also have a plant sale sometime in the next week, please stay tuned for the date and time. 

Also, fliers will be available for the organic gardening and nature activities classes, so if you are not interested in plants swing on by and pick up a flier. 
And to make things a bit better, if gardening is not something you fancy or this year you just haven't had the time I will have a farm stand through the summer loaded with fresh organic heirloom tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, herbs and squash!

Please check back for farm stand hours, I am excited to meet and talk with all of you and provide my friends and neighbors with fresh produce.


San Marzano Tall  $2.00 each
Indeterminate -  Tall vines need staking, heavy yeilds of bright red 2-3 inch fruit (similar to a Roma) over a long season. Italy’s Premier canning tomato, heavy wall, few seeds or juice

Yellow Pear Tomato   $2.00 each
Indeterminate – 1 ¾ - 2 inches long yellow, very sweet, kids love to eat them right out of the garden like candy. Tall plants bear large continuous harvests through summer

Big Rainbow Tomato  $2.00 each
Indeterminate - Very Tall, 6 foot plus. Bears huge ribbed yellow-orange fruits weighing up to 2 pounds. Gold flesh with red streaks. Juicy and sweet. Makes a great sandwich!

Mortgage Lifter Tomato  $2.00 each
Indeterminate – fruits are 1 pond or larger, born in clusters of 2 – 3. Sweet and rich tasting. Very few seeds.

Hillbilly Tomato  $2.00 each
Indeterminate – potato like leaves. Stunning bicolor beefsteak tomato, excellent for slicing. Hefty, yellow gold 1 pound tomatoes streaked with red at the blossom end. Sweet and juicy. Heavy production, needs sturdy staking.

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