Friday, May 30, 2014

Our Chickens & Early Morning Farming

For Mother's Day I requested two gifts from my kids. One was a day of no fighting or arguing and the other was chickens.

I got one at is our latest addition to the farm. Three adorable RIR, Camilla, Billina, and Chicken Lickin'.

The hand painted sign by the kids. Allison spelled "chikins" by herself. I think it's pretty good for being in kindergarten.

 Here are the girls playing in the dirt. We purchased them from C Bar D. I highly recommend them. They are way out of our way, but the guys know there stuff and are very helpful and everyone is friendly. Another plus is that everything is local, including the seed we buy...LOVE IT!

Another benefit of growing up on an urban farm with a nature loving mom is early mornings in the gardens. My littlest loves playing in the dirt, planting things, and using his wheelbarrow to move stuff around the yard.
 Such a fun, hands on experience at this age. They love exploring and figuring things out and I love that he is gaining a love of nature and that working can be fun and rewarding.

Don't forget that Garden 118's Meet & Greet is coming up on June 17th between 10am - 12pm. Lots of fun things are planned:
Tour our working Urban Farm
Meet the hens
Explore the Children's Veggie Patch
Paint the official Garden 118 Children's Veggie Patch Sign
Stay for refreshments and conversation

Classes are free and snacks are provided.
I will also have handouts for up coming classes, information on local farmers markets, and sign up sheets for volunteers for snacks and drinks.

Also, if you would like to make a donation to help pay for the activity supplies please email me or message me on Facebook.

Can't wait to see you there!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Red Dye 40 Intolerance in Children

My good friend Kelli at Stories of Natural Healing on Facebook, asked me to write about my experience with my daughters intolerance to the petroleum based food colorant Red Dye 40. 

I am not a medical professional or a nutritionist. I am just telling my story and relating my experiences with you, in hopes to get the word out that this stuff is bad for children and adults alike.

Since my daughter Allison began eating the “normal” foods kids of 2 and beyond are exposed to, her behavior change dramatically.  Every time we visited the doctor’s office I would mention some of the symptoms she was exhibiting and their suggestions were always the same: normal childhood behavior. At one time the nurse suggested giving her coffee to help her sleep (it would have the reverse affect and make her sleepy), we tried it, Allison threw up. My instinct was telling me this just isn’t normal. Always trust your instincts, they will never steer you wrong, and in this instance mine was spot on.

I started doing research on behavior problems and diet.  I just recently, fall of 2013, by some chance, discovered an article about red dye 40 and the affects it had on children. After reading, bells and whistles started going off. My daughter Allison had shown those same symptoms, symptoms we thought were linked to some behavioral problem, lack of discipline, too much sugar, or not enough sleep.

Her symptoms after eating any amount of the petroleum based food dye, found in most processed foods, include:
Severe emotional melt downs
Combativeness and argumentative

We immediately stopped all red dye 40 intake. Cleaning out the cupboards of all the “bad” foods we replaced them with healthy alternatives and we started making a lot of her favorites from scratch. We started reading ALL labels carefully. Foods you would never suspect having a colorant added just might have it lurking in the ingredient list (even a brownie we purchased at the farmers market had it listed). From yogurt to chips, from chocolate to cake mix, it really is amazing how many “convenience foods” and foods that are geared towards children carry this harmful dye.

Since we nixed all red dye 40 from her diet we have seen a dramatic change in her mood. She is happy, bright, loving, focused, and her emotional melt downs are now the typical kind you expect from a 5 year old.

We did have one set back though. She ended up getting bronchitis a few weeks back and the medication* they put her on contained red dye 40. I really didn’t think much of it at the time, since it was prescribed by her doctor, but after the first dose of the stuff she was off the deep end with emotions, confusion, and sleeplessness. It was only after her father pointed out that it could be her medication that we really do have to watch EVERYTHING she eats or drinks and help guide her to make the healthy choices when she is at school or at a friend’s house.

I do have to note that I am really glad we discovered this intolerance before she was any older. I couldn’t even imagine what life would be like for her as she got older and we never had figured it out. What medications would she have been prescribed to help with her “mood swings”, would they have classified her as ADHD, would they have tried to prescribe her sleeping pills or some other useless drug that could have only worsened the problem? It is hard to say but, I am happy that we discovered that Red Dye 40 affected Allison in such a horrible way.

Maybe one of you reading this will discover your child or yourself are suffering from the same sort of symptoms. I hope that in some way it will guide you and your family into making a life changing decision to eat better, get rid of the processed foods, and discover the bounty of fresh and healthy local alternatives.

I know it has helped us really get back to basics with teaching the kids about organic gardening and where our food really comes from, making healthy choices when eating out, cooking foods we love to eat from scratch as a family, and best of all it has brought peace to our family, knowing we are making better choices for all of us and the emotional meltdowns and the fighting have all together stopped. She is now a very happy and content child all because we changed her diet.

last years colorful assorted veggies grown at Garden 118
*prescribed medication usually never has the ingredients listed so ask your pharmacist

Please leave a comment if you have any questions, or if you have suffered from similar experiences. I would love to hear from you.

And don't forget to check out Stories of Natural Healing on Facebook!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

DIY Paper Mache Bowls

 With summer vacation fast approaching it's nice to have some activities to have on hand for those days the kids are "bored".
In our family we love to craft! It gives the kids a hands on approach to discovering and creating their own works of art.
Recently I decided that making paper mache bowls was something they could enjoy, it's useful, and they actually turned out better then I imagined.

 I collected all the items from around the house. I cut leftover scrap booking paper into strips, got out stickers, pom poms, markers, paper strips from our paper making kit, and tissue paper squares and shapes.
 I then made a paste from water and flour, again what I had on hand. I just kind of mixed the two together until I had a thickish paste. 
We then proceeded to make a mess. Thank goodness the weather was warm, I set it up outside and they could get as messy as they wanted.

When they were completely dry the bowls popped right off the molds and I spray painted the outside clear. It helped get rid of the white streaks left behind by the flour.
They also got to pick a color for the inside. My daughter and I chose aqua, while my son chose green. The kids loved doing this craft and the difficulty level for the activity was quite simple, my kids are 5 and 3 and neither of them had much trouble . But like I said, it is MESSY, so I would suggest this be done outside.

If you and your kids give it a try, I would love to see it, send pics of your creations and I will post them on our Facebook page!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Fresh Basil = Pizza Time!

Hi, friends!
Our garden is flourishing and we are now enjoying the benefits of our hard work!

  Fresh basil from the garden is something we just can't wait for. It is right up there with fresh homegrown, sun ripened tomatoes!

With the weather being a bit out of the ordinary this year, we were able to plant the basil in the garden about mid April. 

Last night I just couldn't resist going out to the garden and picking some for our dinner last night:

Sausage Pizza
Pizza Margarita
Vegetable Salad

I have to say, nothing is better than homemade pizza! A goal for this year was to make the perfect pizza and I think I have achieved that!

Some secrets I keep up my sleeve:

Pizza Stone
Preheat oven to 500F
Minimal toppings
Use a cold pizza dough recipe (America's Test Kitchen has a great one)

Turns out great every time. I usually make my own sauce, but recently have come across a jarred sauce that has minimal ingredients, no red dye, and it tastes so yummy! Francesco Rinaldi Pasta Sauces. It is nice to have on hand for those days you are just running out of time (even when you are a stay at home mom, days do get hectic, Am I right?).

What are some of your favorite summer produce that you just can't wait for?

By the way, I heard that the Wednesday Chico Farmers Market starts next Wednesday, maybe I will see you there!